8 Jul 2014
The Concord Times for Thursday, July 1, 1897, reported new Concord tax rates set by the Concord Town Commissioners [Alderman] at their June meeting. Concord taxes, levied per $100 valuation were:
Property taxes showed a 20% increase over the previous year, totaling $.90 per $100, and the poll tax increased from $2.25 to $2.70. The Times felt the rates were “going it pretty steep, but our people will try to stand it if the board will give them corresponding benefits.”
Other taxes set by the commissioners included:
Tin Pan Alleys | $25.00 |
Auctioneers | $5.00 |
Circus or menagerie | $25.00 |
Every itinerant physician, surgeon, dentist, daguerrian, artist, or person taking likenesses of faces, houses, or scenery | $10.00 |
Every company of Gypsies, or strolling company who makes a living telling fortunes and horse trading | $10.00 |
Ice dealers | $5.00 |
Wood or coal dealers | $5.00 |
Skating rink | $5.00 |
Shooting Gallery | $5.00 |