Letters can be a valuable genealogical resource. Even if you are not related to one of the following Cabarrus County World War I service members, their letters can provide information about your ancestor regarding war experiences, attitudes, and the response from home. Letters from the following soldiers were published in the Cabarrus County newspapers The Concord Times and The Concord Daily Tribune . Clippings source: www.newspapers.com. If you have letters you would like to add, e-mail a copy to cabarrusgenelogysociety@gmail.com. Select a name below to see their correspondence.
?, Cleveland FISHER, Leonard PHILEMON, Clarence L. ?, Dick FOWLER, Brady PLOTT, Howard ABERNETHY, Gorman B. FREEMAN, Theodore PRICE, Isaac C. ALEXANDER, Shirley FREEZE, W. L. RABON, Ben ALLISON, George G. FULTZ, Johnnie RAY, Elbert C. ALLMAN, Cook Homer W. FURR, Silas L. READER, Lester R. ALSTON, Norman FURR, Titus L. RIMER, James ARNOLD, Eugene FURR, Walter E. RITCHIE, Herbert Lester AUSTIN, James W. GAMBLE, Garfield RITCHIE, Ralph AUSTIN, Lewis M. GOODMAN, George M. RUSSELL, Claude E. BARBEE, Burrel B. GOODMAN, George W. RUSSELL, Henry Propst BARBEE, Carl GRAHAM, Irvin RUSSELL, John W. BARBEE, William C. GRAY, Wade J. SAPPENFIELD, James BARRIER, Henry W. GUICE, Linden P. SAPPENFIELD, Roy C. BARRIER, Wagoner Eber E. HELMS, Lloyd SHERRILL, Carl BARRINGER, L. C. HENDLEY, Lindsay SHERRILL, Jessie O. BEAN, Thomas C . HONEYCUTT, Carl R. SHERRILL, William M. BELL, J. Leslie HORTON, Reece SHOE, George W. BIGGERS, Tally M. HOWELL, Jay B. SIDES, Alvin D. BLACKMON, Robert L. JARVIS, John P. SIDES, Ernest E. BLACKWELDER, Beacham A. JENKINS, Joe SIDES, Luther L. BLUME, Clarence J. M. JOHNSON, Lee SIDES, Ralph BOST, Allen M. KENNERLY, Ralph C. SIMCOX, Charles A. BRADFORD, Leslie A. KINDLEY, Giles Edgar SKIDMORE, Harry BRINKLEY, Ralph F. KINDLEY, John A. SLOOP, Brice BURRIS, Brady KINDLEY, Walter D. SLOOPE, James F. CALDWELL, E. D. KITCHEN, T. W. SMITH, Colie W. CALDWELL, James LAFFERTY, James B. SMITH, Lester C. CALLOWAY, Robert LEE, R. C. SOSSAMON, John C. CANFORD, Albert L. LEFLER, Fred H. STALLINGS, D. M. CANUP, John F. LENTZ, John W. STALLINGS, Lutch W. CAUBLE, Walter LENTZ, Ross STRIDER, Pierce CHRISTENBURY, Robert LINKER, Willie L. SULLIVAN, Fred CLINE, Frank S. LOMAX, Fred M. TAYLOR, B. M. CLINE, Jesse C. LONG, Cook John B. TEETER, Corum E. CONCORD SOLDIERS LOVE, Ernest W. THORNBURG, Zebulon B. COOK, Henry E. MARSHALL, Journey P. TROUTMAN, Ellis E. CORL, Marshall MCCOMMONS, Sam A. TROUTMAN, Harry CORRELL, Leslie J. MCDANIEL, Fred L. TROUTMAN, Lewis CORZINE, Fred W. MCGINN, James M. TUCKER, Charles R. CRESS, Frank P. MEANS, Jesse E. UNDERWOOD, L. E. CUMMINGS, Calvin MEASIMER, Andrew UREY, W. B. DAVIS, W. H. MILLER, Dick VARNER, Hal W. DEES, Samuel J. MILLER, W. A. WEBB, Lester L. DORTON, Roy R. MURPHY, Cook Edward WEBSTER, John DRY, Baxter F. NASH, Charles E. WENTZ, Frank DUNMON, Moses P. NASH, Sam N. WHITAKER, Sam B. EARNHARDT, Very B. NEISLER, Fred M. WHITE, James A. EDWARDS, Lee A. NEWSOM, Will WHITE, William M. ELLIOTT, James W. PARIS, E. Ralph WILLEFORD, Brice EUBANKS, Virgil M. PARISH, Ernest V. WINGARD, Ralph FAGGART, Felty F. PATTERSON, Fred YOUNG, Joe C. FERGUSON, Jesse J. PENNINGER, Arthur H. YOW, Yancy L. FINK, Clarence L. PENNINGER, C. L.